Why Are They Coming?

1A question was posed on-line recently, “Why Do Muslims Always Go to ‘Christian’ Countries?”

Great question!

I would like to change it up just a little bit and give my feeble opinion. 🙂 How about we change it up to, “Why Do Immigrants and/or Refugees from Poor and/or Oppressive Countries Almost Always Go to ‘Christian’ Countries?”

No doubt, there are many reasons. I will list only a few:

(1) More often than not, ‘Christian’ countries offer freedom, which the immigrants and refugee’s home countries do not. And everyone longs to be free!

(2) More often than not, ‘Christian’ countries offer the opportunity for immigrants and refugees to provide for their families, which their home countries do not. And everyone longs to provide for their families!

4(3) More often than not, ‘Christian’ countries offer a place of safety and refuge for immigrants and refugees, and their loved ones, which their home countries do not. And everyone longs to provide a place of safety and security for their families!

(4) More often than not, ‘Christian’ countries offer educational opportunities, which the immigrants and refugees home countries do not. And everyone wants their children to have the opportunity to get a good education! 

2(5) More often than not, ‘Christian’ countries offer health care that might even save the lives of their family members, which the immigrants and refugees home countries did not offer. And everyone wants to do what they can to save the lives of their family members!

(6) More often than not, ‘Christian’ countries tend to be more accepting and loving of all people groups regardless of who they are or where they are from (or at least we should be 😎) than their home countries. And everyone longs to be loved and accepted!

Of course, there are no doubt, many other reasons that these folks are fleeing their countries, and do whatever they can to find refuge in our ‘Christian’ country!

Most importantly though, for those of us who bear the name of “Christian,” for those of us who are following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus, and for those of us who claim to be Bible-believing, Gospel-minded Christians, it is good for us to keep in mind:

3When Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Chinese communists, and our Catholic neighbors from south of the border, leave their family and their friends, their religious or non-religious structures, and the peer pressure from back home–at great risk might I add–come, they are far more open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have a far better chance of trusting Christ, rearing their children in Christian homes, etc…

This is what we call the GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL. And, to think that we, as God’s people have the blessed opportunity to be an extension of Christ’s love and compassion to the poor, the needy, and the helpless that He is bringing to our shores! ☝️

Just Reflecting on Why They Are Coming!

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